With the co-operation of the weather in the past few days and a lot of effort by the grounds crew the HRGC course will open for play Friday May 29th. Unfortunately play is restricted to paid members at this time as we do not have access to the clubhouse for collecting green fees and staff are not yet in place. Steps are being taken to aquire an online booking and payment system and we are looking at moving a structure in place that will allow us to provide limited services but should include non member bookings, driving range balls, power cart rentals, to go food and beverages. Once staffing is in place we will also have the beer/food cart in operation.
The driving range is open, no charge, at this time but you need to bring your own balls.
Personal power cart use has been approved provided Covid Protocols (same household riders) and the 90 degree rule is followed. The worst wet areas will be roped off until conditions improve.
Covid rule signage is being installed reminding players to adhere to social distancing at all times. Flags remain in and pool noodles are installed in the cups temporarily until the ball lift flag stick attachments arrive. Do not touch other players equipment!
There are no washrooms available at this time, again we are working on solutions. Benches have been removed as well.
Despite the need for Covid related changes we encourage you to get out and enjoy our fantastic golf course. Please respect the new rules of play and know the HRGC Board is actively working towards the goal of full services being restored ASAP.
P.S. Memberships can be obtained online by vistiting the website -fees-membership and clicking a link to the fillable application and e-mailing it to info@hayrivergolfclub.com. Payments (including GST) can be made via e-transfer to finance@hayrivergolfclub.com. Adult membership is discounted to $400 + GST until the end of May so sign up now and start playing.
Hay River Golf Club Executive
We have a PRE-SEASON SPECIAL on Adult Memberships, $100 discount! Adult season membership now only $400.00!
2020 Executive & Board of Directors
Thank you to all who attended the Hay River Golf Club AGM last night. A new Executive and Board of Directors was elected, here are the new team members:
President: Jack Rowe
VP: Mike King
Treasurer: Connor Goudreau
Secretary: RJ west-pratt
Board of directors:
Robert Bouchard
Jay Planidin
Riley Boden
Chris Jesche
Lori Warren
Peter Magill
Rebekka Lutes
Clifford Fabian
We are looking forward to another great season. As we are a volunteer run club we would like to invite anyone who has an interest, skill and time to please donate some to helping to run, maintain and grow this beautiful community asset.
2020 AGM Meeting
The Hay River Golf Club will hold its AGM on Monday, February 10th at 7:00 pm in the lower Banquet Hall at the Hay River Legion.
The club is a volunteer run organization. A fantastic asset in our community. Please come out and provide some input and if able offer your name up for a position on the executive and board. We are looking forward to the 2020 season.
membership included 10 bucket range ball pass ($45.00 value).
Adult $500.00 -Early Bird membership now only $400.00 – only for Adult memberships
Senior (over 60) $250.00
Student $250.00
Junior (18 & under)
Family (up to 4 members) $1050.00
Adult – Half year membership (after July 31) $300
Power carts:
Regular cart $200.00
Senior cart $110.00
Electric cart $250.00
Electric Senior cart $160.00
Memberships are for sale at Kal Tire during regular business hours – 867-874-2686
Cash or debit only.
E-Transfer is also available through our Secretary, RJ West-Pratt at trir@hrlr.ca – call 867-688-1957
Contact Info:
RJ West-Pratt, Secretary trir@hrlr.ca or call 867-688-1957
Web-Site: www.hayrivergolfclub.com
Email to: info@hayrivergolfclub.com
Tel: 867 874 6290
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